A-Pro Pool & Spa
11876 Lake Lane, Lindstrom, MN 55045

April 1, 2025, we will be on our summer hours;

Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Saturday, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Please check out our Facebook page for more up-to-date operating hours @ https://www.facebook.com/AProPool.

Call Us Today!

Impress Above Ground Pools

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Pool OPENING Instructions

2023 Pool Opening Instructions

When you call in to schedule your pool opening, here are a few questions we will ask...

1.        Are you a 2023 Preferred Customer?


2.       Do you have an above or in-ground pool?


3.       What type of cover do you have?

           a) Mesh, Tarp or Auto

           b) Are we removing your cover?

                       * If YES and NOT a season pass holder

                                   - Mesh Cover

* Removed, cleaned & put away = $145 additional

* Removal only = $60 additional

                                   - Tarp

* Removed, cleaned & put away = $175 additional

* Removal only = $90 additional

                                   - If it’s an Auto cover, make sure your cover is drained before we arrive

                       * If NO, please do the following:

- Fill the pool before removing the cover

- Remove any leaves and debris

- Drain top water into the pool (if the water is clean), otherwise, pump the water off your cover

- Remove the cover


4.        Would you like us to put chemicals in your pool when we open it?

a) 2 gallons of Pool Shock, 1 bottle of Pool Magic and 1 bottle of Polyquat 60 = $89.98 additional cost

b)  Would you like us to add Supreme?   (Benefits of using Supreme are listed below)

* If YES, it’s typically $269.95 for 45 lbs., $136.95 for 20 lbs. and $72.95 for 10lbs, it all depends on what your pool needs.

* If YES, it’s typically $269.95 for 45 lbs., $136.95 for 20 lbs. and $72.95 for 10lbs, it all depends on what your pool needs.


5.        What kind of filter do you have?

           a)  Cartridge, Sand or DE

           b)  If it’s a cartridge, do we have it here?


6.        Here are a few things you can do to get ready for your opening…

           a)  Have the water in your pool filled up halfway into the skimmer.

           b)  Have your filters, pool fittings and ladders outside by the pool.


7.        Are there any other concerns you have that we should address while we’re there?


8.        If you aren’t a season pass holder, please see the benefits of becoming one listed below.


9.        Cost of pool opening is $225.00 + Trip Fee (15+ miles) + any other additional charges (chemicals, cover removal, etc.)


2023 Season Pass Benefits

1.        You’re considered a Preferred Customer!

           a)  When you need any work done, you are put before any other customers. 

                 We take care of you first!

           b)  We will be there within 24-72 hours.

           c)  We GAURANTEE your pool will be blue!

           d)  Receive a 10% discount for maintenance items not included in the Season Pass.

                       * Vacuuming pool to waste

                       * If water conditions at opening warrant extra attention

                       * Specialized chemical treatments, i.e., phosphate, metal removal, calcium, etc.

           e)  Receive 10% off any other chemicals and service


2.       We open your pool and make sure your pool is ready when you are!


3.       We make 15 weekly visits to your pool. Each visit includes:

           a)  Backwash & Filter

           b)  Brush steps

           c)  Balance & Sanitize your water based on test results with chemicals

           d)  Check auto-cleaner operation & clean filter bag

           e)  Clean pump & skimmer baskets

           f)   Confirm proper heater function


4.        We close your pool so you don’t have to worry about it!


5.        Season Pass cost is:

a) $2,999.99 before February 1 ($150 savings);

b) $3,074.99 before March 1 ($75 savings); and

c) $3,149.99 after April 1.


ProTeam Supreme Benefits

1.        Reduces eye and skin irritation.

2.        Your pool water will feel amazing all season!

3.        You will use 30% less Chlorine throughout the season.

4.        Controls algae and improves your filtration.

a) There are Borates in Supreme that rob the carbon dioxide, which grows algae.

5.        No calcification.

6.        Protects the metals in your water from corrosion and rusting.

7.        Buffers Total Alkalinity and pH.

8.        Supreme cost is $269.95 for 45 lbs., depends on what your pool needs.

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